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Don't like the idea of needles?

Updated: Mar 6

If you love the idea of acupuncture, but needles, not so much, there are alternatives. Acupuncture relies on promoting the movement of the vital energy (qì氣) throughout the body. The system leverages energetic channels, which flow like rivers throughout the body, and communicate with the body's network of fascia and other connective tissues. The channels work systemically to relieve stagnation, nourishing tissues and organs along their trajectories, thereby promoting the body’s capacity to heal. Individuals that are sensitive to subtle energies can feel these channels on themselves or on others by palpation.

Promoting the circulation of qi in the channels also has a direct effect on the circulation of blood, which has restorative effects on the whole body. Based on the two-thousand year history of the evolution of experiential wisdom of practitioners of Chinese medicine, specific sites at anatomical landmarks located along the channels, known as acupuncture points, also can have specific therapeutic effects besides the system effects of the channels themselves.

The use of needles has been the historical practice in Chinese medicine for at least two thousand years, but there have been other methods that have come into practice since then that work on the same principles. Two of these alternative treatments, the use of Japanese teishin therapy and energy healing are described below, and both offer an excellent alternative for those that simply will not try acupuncture because of the needles.

Japanese Teishin Therapy

A teishin is a small metal rod that is used as a tool, similar to an acupuncture needle, however the tool has a rounded end and does not penetrate the skin. Instead of being inserted into the skin, the tool is placed on top of the skin over an acupuncture point or channel. Similar to acupuncture, a teishin is used to stimulate the flow of vital energy, or qi, within the channels.

A practitioner uses a teishin by placing the tool on points along a channel or other parts of the body where they discern that qi is not flowing well. Some people are very sensitive to subtle energies and will feel the changes in energetic flow in their body and the removal of "blocks," or points where the energy in the channels are not flowing well, and are thereby contributing to pain or inflammation. Other people that do not easily feel subtle energies, may alternatively feel an increase in their blood circulation, a decrease or resolution of pain, or simply an increased sensation of relaxation and well being. The technique is a great option for people are anxious or fearful about needles, sensitive patients, and children. Most children are so sensitive to subtle energies that they often are aware of the effects before the teishin even touches the skin.

Teishins are made out of different types of metal, such as bronze, gold or silver, which each have different therapeutic effects. Tools like the teishin that regulate the flow of energy in the channels without being inserted into the skin were used even before the history of using needles. In ancient Chinese and Mayan history, pointed stone tools, called bian () in China were used in the same way prior to needles, and also demonstrate the long history of using precious stones as healing tools. In China, moxibustion, the burning of small pieces of the herb, mugwort, on the skin, was also used to promote the movement of qi, and is still used in the modern practice of East Asian Medicine for specific therapeutic effects.

Energy Healing

Energy healers have the ability to allow universal source energy to flow through their hands, or for some, without the use of bodily contact. Some energy healers have the specific ability of being able to perceive and work with the acupuncture channels. These practitioners will be able to feel or otherwise perceive the location of blocks in the channels in order to clear them. A client working with a practitioner that is adept at this, will be able to perceive the changes in their body as the practitioner works. It must be noted that energy healing is not a mind trick, it is a real and experiential phenomena, and the results of someone that practices in this way, should be just as discernible and helpful for the client as having acupuncture needles inserted. For an experience of how this works or how an acupuncturist can practice in this way, visit my site to book an appointment or reach out with any questions.


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